



AWS DeepRacer


環境変数 params によって連想配列の形で以下の値が戻される

all_wheels_on_track Boolean π flag to indicate if the agent is on the track
x float π agent's x-coordinate in meters
y float π agent's y-coordinate in meters
closest_objects [int, int] π zero-based indices of the two closest objects to the agent's current position of (x, y).
closest_waypoints [int, int] π indices of the two nearest waypoints.
distance_from_center float π distance in meters from the track center
is_crashed Boolean π Boolean flag to indicate whether the agent has crashed.
is_left_of_center Boolean π Flag to indicate if the agent is on the left side to the track center or not.
is_offtrack Boolean π Boolean flag to indicate whether the agent has gone off track.
is_reversed Boolean π flag to indicate if the agent is driving clockwise (True) or counter clockwise (False).
heading float π agent's yaw in degrees
objects_distance [float, ] π list of the objects' distances in meters between 0 and track_len.
objects_heading [float, ] π list of the objects' headings in degrees between -180 and 180.
objects_left_of_center [Boolean, ] π list of Boolean flags indicating whether elements' objects are left of the center (True) or not (False).
objects_location [(float, float),] π list of object locations [(x,y), …].
objects_speed [float, ] π list of the objects' speeds in meters per second.
progress float π percentage of track completed
speed float π agent's speed in meters per second (m/s)
steering_angle float π agent's steering angle in degrees
steps int π number steps completed
track_length float π track length in meters.
track_width float π width of the track
waypoints [(float, float), ] π list of (x,y) as milestones along the track center
dr/start.1581820623.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2020/02/16 11:37 by paya